Web Maintenance
- Existing website
Web Maintenance
- Existing website
Website maintenance is equally important. The secret to a good website and continued business, is to have your customers keep coming back. This is only achieved by changing your website content, i.e. new stock photos, specials, latest news, etc. It is also achieved through RSS feeds or social media integration.
Outdated web applications and their associated themes and plug-ins are often the point of entry for most exploits. It is necessary to update all web applications, themes, and plug-ins to their latest versions to close known security holes. If you are unsure if there are security concerns related to any web application you are using, please contact us. Please note: It is the client’s responsibility to update all plug-ins as shown in your initial website hand-over.
We can update an existing website (built by URL Media & Marketing) with new content, web applications, associated themes and plug-ins from as little as $195.00 per new page, or $85.00 per hour, whichever is the cheapest.
Free Maintenance Program
For all clients that have had a website built by URL Media & Marketing, we offer a free Maintenance Program. If you need to make a “quick” change to your website, i.e. minor changes, prices etc. for websites that are regularly maintained by URL Media & Marketing, and it takes 10 minutes or less to do so, there is no charge for this service.
For all other maintenance, normal contract rates apply for websites built by URL Media & Marketing (>15 minutes work) $85.00 per hour (or part thereof, min ½ hr.)
Existing website (built by other source)
You must own the intellectual property.
$250.00 per page, or $85.00 per hour, whichever is the highest. Extra cost due to FTP downloading. The free Maintenance Program is not available to clients that have had a website built by other sources.
Web Maintenance
- Existing website
Web Maintenance
- Existing website